Output formats
Output Formats
- Standard Options
- Data specific options
- Instantaneous-value Streamflow data options
- Site inventory data options
- Water Quality Samples options
- Groundwater site inventory data options
- Groundwater level data options
- Daily-value Streamflow data options
- Published Peak Streamflow Data
- Streamflow Measurement Data
- Water Use
- Parameter Code Definitions
- Statistics options
Standard Options
Show sites on a map:
This output provides a map view of the locations of sites with USGS water data that meet the specified Search Criteria. Google Maps are used to provide speed and versatility in a format that is familiar to many users. Instructions for the sites mapper can be found here.
Table of sites:
A list of Sites with their agency code, Site ID, and station name will be displayed in an HTML table. You can select to have the sites grouped by county or by hydrologic unit code. You can also sort the sites by the USGS site number or by the station name.
Scroll list of sites:
A list of sites will be presented in a pick box, allowing you to choose multiple sites and a new output format.
Brief descriptions:
A list of sites with some basic information about each site will be presented. You can then choose which sites you want more information on. Each site has basic information like this:
USGS 15290100 L SUSITNA R NR HOUSTON AK Matanuska-Susitna Borough County, Alaska
Hydrologic Unit Code 19020505
Latitude 61°37‘36", Longitude 149°48‘03" NAD27
Drainage area 168.00 square miles
Contributing drainage area square milesIn addition to the site information, for those searches that are used to locate data, such as streamflow or water-quality data, a table showing the dates of the first and last observation and the total number of observations is displayed.
USGS 15290100 L SUSITNA R NR HOUSTON AK Matanuska-Susitna Borough County, Alaska
Latitude 61°37‘36", Longitude 149°48‘03" NAD27
This site is a Surface Water station.
Period of record Begin End Count 02/12/1972 07/27/1983 4
Site-description information:
Site description information allows you to select specific data fields to be included in either html table, tab separated or xml outputs.
Save file of sites:
All sites that match your criteria will saved in a tab-separated format into a file you specify. You can then use this file on a later retrieval to get data on just the sites you want.
Raw sitefile review (Internal):
Raw dump of all fields in the SITEFILE table for a site -- including fields not displayed to the public.
Data Specific Options
Site Inventory data options
Detailed descriptions with links to available data for each site
If Station manuscript information is available for a site, a link to the data is provided.
HTML table
All sites that match query are presented in an HTML table. The column headers are selectable by a select box.
Tab-separated data file
All sites that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The column headers are selectable by a select box. A compressed format is available. Explanation of output codes can be found here. For Compressed file, save the file with a .gz extension.
Streamflow data options
Graphical image of instantaneous value data. Data can be retrieved in tab-separated format if desired.
Tab-delimited data file
All data that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format.
Graphical image of daily value data. Data can be retrieved in tab-separated format if desired.
Tab-delimited data file
All data that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format. Explanation of data value qualification code (dv_cd).
Daily-value Streamflow Statistics
Data Options
The following statistics are available for each station
Code Description begin_yr_dt First complete year of data end_yr_dt Last complete year of data max_mean_va Maximum daily mean value for this day min_mean_va Minimum daily mean value for this day count_nu Number of daily mean values for this day mean_va Mean of daily mean values for this day p05_va 05 percentile p10_va 10 percentile p15_va 15 percentile p20_va 20 percentile p25_va 25 percentile p30_va 30 percentile p35_va 35 percentile p40_va 40 percentile p45_va 45 percentile p50_va 50 percentile (median) p55_va 55 percentile p60_va 60 percentile p65_va 65 percentile p70_va 70 percentile p75_va 75 percentile p80_va 80 percentile p85_va 85 percentile p90_va 90 percentile p95_va 95 percentile HTML
The selected statistic is shown in an HTML table. The columns are each month, and the rows are each day.
Tab-delimited data file
All data that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format.
Published Peak Streamflow Data
Graphical image of peak streamflow data. Data can be obtained in other formats.
Data is output in an HTML table.
Tab-delimited data file
All data that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format.
WATSORE standard format
Data stored in this format is in a "card" format. Thus, data is in a column format and care should be taken to make sure everything is in the correct column.
Definitions and terms of peak output
Streamflow Measurement Data
Unused Measurements
Under certain circumstances, a hydrographer may call a field discharge measurement unused. Reasons could include instrument failure, inability to complete the discharge measurement, or the presence of a second measurement made at the same condition on the same day (known as a check measurement). The existence of an unused measurement is shown in the display so as to not leave a gap in the measurement numbering, but the details of the measurement are left blank. Please contact the local water science center for more information on a particular unused measurement.
Graphical image of streamflow measurement data. Data can be obtained in other formats.
Formatted table
Data is output in an HTML table.
Tab-separated data
All data that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format. The tab-separated output file column names and definitions are shown in the following table.
Tab-separated Output Column Name Formatted Table Output Column Name Description Link to additional Information agency_cd Not Included agency code Possible code values site_no Not Included site number measurement_nu Meas.Number measurement number measurement_dt Date/Time date of measurement (format = MMDDYYYY or Month/Day/Year. The user has options for the data output format) tz_cd Time Zone Codes Time zone offset. An ANSI SQL/92 time zone offset string. Some examples are '-07:00' (Eastern), '+02:00' (Eastern Europe), and '+03:30' (India). Possible code values q_meas_used_fg Measurement used? Flag indicates if the discharge measurement is marked used. party_nm Who an indication of who made the measurement and is usually populated with a pair of initials separated with a slash site_visit_coll_agency_cd Agency What agency made the measurement at the site visit discharge_va Streamflow the computed discharge in cubic feet per second (cfs) gage_height_va Gage Height gage height as shown on the inside staff gage at the site or read off the recorder inside the gage house in feet gage_va_change GH Change The amount the gage height changed while the measurement was being made in feet gage_va_time Meas. Duration The amount of time elapsed while the measurement was being made in decimal hours measured_rating_diff Meas.Rated measurement rating codes that denote the relative quality of the measurement Possible code values control_type_cd Control condition of the rating control at the time of the measurement Possible code values discharge_cd Flow Adjust. Code The adjustment code for the measured discharge Possible code values chan_nu Channel Number The channel number chan_name Channel Name The channel name meas_type Measurement Type The channel measurement type Possible code values streamflow_method Streamflow Method The channel discharge measurement method Possible code values velocity_method Velocity Method The channel velocity measurement method Possible code values chan_discharge Channel Flow The channel discharge in cubic feet per second chan_width Channel Width The channel width in feet chan_velocity Channel Velocity The mean velocity in feet per second chan_area Channel Area The channel area in square feet chan_stability Channel Stability The stability of the channel material Possible code values chan_material Channel Material The channel material Possible code values chan_evenness Channel Evenness The channel evenness from bank to bank Possible code values long_vel_desc Long. Vel. Desc. The longitudinal velocity description Possible code values horz_vel_desc Horz. Vel. Desc. The horizontal velocity description Possible code values vert_vel_desc Vert. Vel. Desc. The vertical velocity description Possible code values chan_loc_cd Channel Loc. Code The channel location code Possible code values chan_loc_dist Channel Loc. Dist. The channel location distance
Site inventory data options
Station manuscript
Station manuscript information. If data is available for a site, a link to the data is available.
All sites that match query are presented in an HTML table. The column headers are selectable by a select box.
Tab-separated data
All sites that match query are presented in an HTML table. The column headers are selectable by a select box. A compressed format is available.
Groundwater level data options
Groundwater level data is presented in a gif image.
Groundwater level data is presented in an HTML table.
- Explanation of attribute sl_lev_va - The water level at the site referenced to the specific vertical datum, in feet above the specific vertical datum. Precision can be carried to two decimal places. If the water level is below the referenced vertical datum, the value will be preceded with a minus sign (-). If the site is being pumped, and a head or water level can be determined, a site status code of P and the head or water level will be entered. When a water level referenced to a vertical datum cannot be measured because the site is flowing or pumping and the head is not known, the site is dry, the site is affected by ice, there is an obstruction, the measurement has been discontinued, or the well was destroyed, the water-level field will be left blank and an appropriate site status for water level code will have been recorded. Water Level Referenced to Vertical Datum is conditionally mandatory dependent on the site status entered for the water level.
- Explanation of attribute sl_datum_cd domain - The only vertical datums that can be converted on output are NGVD29 (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) and NAVD88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988). NWIS uses the North American Vertical Datum Conversions (VERTCON) of the National Geodetic Survey to convert from NGVD29 to NAVD88 or vice-versa. Conversions to or from other vertical datums are not available.
Code Name Explanation NGVD29 V Datum of 1929 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NAVD88 V Datum of 1988 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 OLDAK Old Alaska Old Alaska (Mainland) and Aleutian Island Datum OLDPR Old PR & VI Old Puerto Rico and Virgin Island Datum HILOCAL Hawaii Local Local Hawaiian Datum GUVD04 Guam Datum Guam Vertical Datum of 2004 ASVD02 Am Samoa Datum American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 NMVD03 N Marianas Datum Northern Marianas Vertical Datum of 2003 TIDELOCAL Tidal Local Local Tidal Datum COE1912 COE Datum 1912 U.S. Corps of Engineers datum adjustment 1912 IGLD Gr Lakes Datum International Great Lakes Datum ASLOCAL *Am Samoa Local Local American Samoa Datum GULOCAL *Guam Local Local Guam Datum Tab-separated data
Groundwater data is presented in a tab-separated data file. The data can be in various date formats and it can be downloaded in a compressed format.
Water Quality Sample options
This table summarizes what data are available for a group of related parameters for each selected site.
Restricting by date range
The output of data may be restricted to a specific date range. Leaving this field blank retrieves all available samples.
A time zone datum is associated with each sample date. You may either choose to view the stored time datum for each sample or you may request that all sample times be converted to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datum.
Restricting by valueSearch one parameter code's result value based on greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, or equal to.
A complete list of parameter codes, associated groupings can be found here.
Water-quality sample data are presented in an HTML table, with one sample per row. Two output options determine the contents of the output:
- default attributes
Default attributes include limited sample-level information and all water-quality results.
- expanded attributes
Expanded attributes include an expanded list of sample-level attributes and all water-quality results.
Inventory of water-quality data
Two output options are available:A summary of all parameters available for each site is listed and includes the number of available results for each parameter and the date range of data for that parameter.Tab-delimited file
There are multiple output formats available, each with multiple date format options. These files may be viewed in your browser or can be written to your computer desktop. File output can be requested in an uncompressed or compressed format ("zipped"). Output formats available are:
- One sample per row with remark codes combined with values
Water-quality sample data are presented in a tab-separated data file. Each row in the file represents one sample. Remark codes may be associated with a result and this code is included with the result, if present. You may choose to include either a default list of attributes or a more complete, expanded list of attributes.
- One sample per row with tab-delimiter for remark codes
Water-quality sample data are presented in a tab-separated data file. Each row in the file represents one sample. Remark codes are delimited from the results for each parameter code using a tab delimiter. You may choose to include either a default list of attributes or a more complete, expanded list of attributes.
- One result per row
Water-quality sample data are presented in a tab-separated data file. Each row in the file represents one result (parameter). Each sample is typically represented by many result rows. You may choose to include either a default list of attributes or a more complete, expanded list of attributes.
Water-quality samples output
Output-column changes for water-quality results where each row represents one measurement, specified by URL argument: "&qw_sample_wide=0", are summarized in the table below.
Previous version New version agency_cd agency_cd site_no site_no sample_dt sample_dt sample_tm sample_tm -- sample_end_dt -- sample_end_tm -- sample_start_time_datum_cd -- tm_datum_rlbty_cd coll_ent_cd coll_ent_cd medium_cd medium_cd -- tu_id -- body_part_id parameter_cd parm_cd (column name changed) remark_cd remark_cd result_va result_va -- val_qual_tx meth_cd meth_cd anl_stat_cd -- anl_src_cd -- hyd_cond_cd -- samp_type_cd -- hyd_event_cd -- -- dqi_cd -- rpt_lev_va -- rpt_lev_cd -- lab_std_va anl_ent_cd anl_ent_cd
Output-column changes for retrieval of water-quality results where each row represents one sample, specified by URL argument: "&qw_sample_wide=wide", are summarized in the table below.
Previous version New version agency_cd agency_cd site_no site_no sample_dt sample_dt sample_tm sample_tm -- sample_end_dt -- sample_end_tm -- sample_start_time_datum_cd -- tm_datum_rlbty_cd -- tu_id -- body_part_id coll_ent_cd coll_ent_cd medium_cd medium_cd p00001 p00001 p00002 p00002 p00003 p00003 ... ...
Additional columns can be obtained in either the sample-based or the result-based layout of water-quality data by specifying the URL argument: "&rdb_qw_attributes=expanded". Information about the expanded attributes is listed in a table here. Retrieved date and time previously have been expressed in the local time zone of the sample collector, and continue to be expressed in local time by default. The expression of date and time can be converted to Universal Coordinated Time using the URL argument: "&TZoutput=inUTC".PLEASE Note: The use of UTC element is only available in Water Quality Data output.
Parameter Code Definitions
Available Formats
- Tab-separated data file (display in browser)
- All parameter codes that match query are presented in a tab-separated data file.
Water Use
Additional Links:
- http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/
- http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/wuglossary.html
- http://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/faq/additional-background
National table: Sortable HTML chart with years across the horizontal axis (columns) and categories on the vertical axis including legend.
State table: Sortable HTML chart with categories across the horizontal axis (columns) and state/county/years on the vertical axis including legend.
This chart provides a conceptual picture of the changes in water-use categories between compilations.
Tab-separated data
National table: Tab-separated table with years across the horizontal axis (columns) and categories on the vertical axis including legend.
State table: Tab-separated table with categories across the horizontal axis (columns) and state/county/years on the vertical axis including legend.
This chart provides a conceptual picture of the changes in water-use categories between compilations.
Date ranges
You can select a period of interest by entering the start month and year in the first text box, and an end month and year in the second text box. The year and month must be entered in the format YYYY-MM, ex: 2014-02 for February 2014. This option may be of interest if you want to calculate statistics for a narrower period than the period of record for the site and parameter. By default the full period of approved record is used.
Use incomplete data
If checked, statistics are generated even if there is incomplete data. By default if there is any missing data over the range of the statistics wanted then the information is left blank. This can happen for various reasons including there was a technical problem with the gage or the gage was ice affected for part of the time period and data was not estimated. Note that some statistics require a minimum number of values. For example, to generate a median statistic at least three values are needed. At least ten values in the month are required to compute a percentile statistics.
Table of monthly means
If this radio button is selected, a web page will appear for the selected parameters and sites with calculated monthly means appearing in a table of columns and rows. Months where there is an approved period of record for the entire month will contain the mean (average) in the table for the year and month.
Tab-separated data
If this radio button is selected, a tab-delimited file of statistical data will be generated which will be sent to your computer (downloaded) by default. You can specify the output format for dates in the file using the drop down select control. You can also specify whether the file should appear on the screen rather than be downloaded or, if downloaded, whether it should be a file of plain text or whether the text should be compressed in a UNIX gzip format. If you download in a gzip format, you will need a program that can uncompress gzip data to use the data.